There is nothing quite like Ardbeg, and the limited edition “Spectacular” promises to deliver a “mesmerizing array of bizarre notes.” It’s been matured in rare port wine casks and also spent a generous amount of time in ex-bourbon casks. What delights wait for those who choose to experience it? That’s what we are here to determine…

Ardbeg Spectular
Info: 2024 Release, 46% ABV
Nose: BBQ, leather, menthol hit me right out of the gate. With any peated whiskey, I have to keep my nose in it a while to pull out the deeper notes beyond the smoke. A few deep breaths in and I’m getting a bit of fruitiness and maybe some floral notes.
Palate: Port? There’s no port here… Salty, smoky and maybe a bit nutty. There’s some sweet distillate hiding behind the smoke, but it’s just a whimper. Gotta go back for another sip… ok… maybe one more. Ah, there’s the fruitiness. Kind of a smoked fruit, but lacking the richness of a typical port finish. After some additional dedicated tasting, I detect maybe the slightest hint of dark chocolate in there. It pays to be thorough!
Finish: Lingering smoky sweetness that you’d pick out as Ardbeg any day. This one has a tiny hint of menthol or something lingering though that’s a bit unique. Kind of fun going from smoky to cool mint.

Overall, an approachable Ardbeg that’s going to let its smokiness shine. I don’t believe I saw a committee release, so no high ABV option out there, which is a shame. I’d love to see what happens at a higher ABV. In the name of research, I went back to my glass several times trying to find ANY port in there. Even with a couple of empty glasses, none was to be found. Considering I rather enjoyed the search, I’m happy to say that it’s still a great dram, despite my inability to pull out the port flavors.