October 3, 2024 12:38 am

California Dreamin’ with Lodestar Whiskey

There’s a certain mystique and allure that permeates Southern California. In one day, you can experience breathtaking beaches and majestic mountain landscapes. As the sun sets, it’s often hard to determine where the lights of the city end and the stars in the sky begin. Lodestar Whiskey captures the unique elements of the California lifestyle in a lovingly-crafted whiskey that is meant to be shared and enjoyed. No matter the setting, it is inclusive to all who want to enjoy. Do you ever find yourself dreaming of this glorious state? This whiskey is the unmistakable flavor of celebration, California style.

Photo Credit: Lodestar Whiskey

Anna Axster and Wendelin von Schroder are the cousins at the heart of this brand and are taking the industry by storm. As veterans of the music and film industries, they acquired a love of whiskey while backstage at music venues, experiencing legendary bars, and dining in lauded restaurants across the country. Much like the twists and turns of the infamous Mulholland Drive, the cousins found themselves trailblazing their way into a new act of their careers.

Relying on their experience, trusting their instincts on taste, and capturing a bit of magic, led them to release Lodestar Whiskey. It’s a blend of straight high-rye bourbon and American single malt whiskey. It tastes as smooth as the breeze off the Pacific Ocean at sun down, and is ready to take on anything in the legendary night life of Hollywood. It is welcoming to the palates of veteran whiskey enthusiasts and to those just getting started. If you gather with friends and loved ones, no celebration is truly complete without great conversation, memorable moments, and a great whiskey to share.

This dynamic duo talked to Whiskey Network about their journey into whiskey and gave us more insight into how their brand was born. On a warm Southern California summer day, they joined our meeting in great spirits and were immediately engaging. They embody the essence of the Golden State with their good-humored and approachable personalities. Their whiskey experiences are authentic, significant, and play heavily into the quality of their vision to create this whiskey. Flavor is their own lodestar, which absolutely embodies their spirit and intent.

lode·star  /ˈlōdˌstär/ noun

A star, person, or idea that leads or guides on a journey.

The journey begins in Germany during their childhood. With beer as the dominant drink of choice, and with gin and Scotch not far behind, they experienced whiskey through a different lens. Their family gatherings included whiskey, and this was a key driver to their growing into exploring it deeper. Anna recalls a special memory from her childhood, “My dad loved whiskey, and for his birthday every year we would have T-bone steaks on the grill. At the backyard party, everyone got a whiskey sour as a welcome drink, and he had made them all himself. Everyone was always happy at his birthday party!”

As their own whiskey journey began to take shape, they both found a start in Irish whiskey. As they progressed, they found themselves gravitating toward the flavors of bourbon and its influence in other types of whiskey. Specifically, they talk about how cereal flavors, rye spice, citrus notes, and a rich caramel halo are all favorites. In fact, these are the key items in the flavor profile that they put into Lodestar as they were making it.

No whiskey journey is complete without the stories that come from sharing it. When asked about her favorite story, Anna immediately recalled the time of the recent pandemic. Being apart was tough on these close-knit cousins, and getting back together after the worst of it was memorable. Anna said, “Wendelin came to my house, and we were sitting in the backyard, but still distanced apart. It all felt so strange. When the worst was over and we could finally hug and be close, it was such a relief. She had brought over a whiskey cocktail, and we hugged. That’s something that will always be memorable to me, because it was a such a strange time. Also, it included us sharing the whiskey cocktail.”

For her part, Wendelin offered her memories of the longer journey to where they are today. She said, “The memory that sticks in my mind is going back to the pandemic and how it impacted our time in music and entertainment. Everything just came to a stop. Anna and I had built up such a love of whiskey through traveling and having the opportunity to try it in so many different settings. We learned to love the product and developed a passion for how it’s made. It was a crucial moment for us as we decided to pivot and launch our own brand. We jumped in, but knew that rolling up our sleeves, getting to work, and learning everything we could was what we had to do.”

Photo Credit: Lodestar Whiskey

Listening to them both speak and observing the close nature of their relationship, there’s a quiet strength that emerges from them individually and as a unit. At the center of their journey is whiskey. It’s another testament to the powerful nature of social interactions facilitated by this spirit. Some say that strength doesn’t necessarily come from our successes, but reflects the hardships endured. In the case of Anna and Wendelin, nothing could be truer.

Naturally, this leads us right into the story of how Lodestar Whiskey went from an idea to reality. As two women who were deeply in love with whiskey, they felt underrepresented in the marketplace. They knew a lot of other women who felt the same way about it, and there was simply no brand for them to identify with. With no other experience in the business, they decided to pivot and get started.

They had a rough idea of what they wanted in a flavor profile and had the general idea of the brand they wanted to build. Everything from the name, label, and everything else was a work in progress. However, they knew who they wanted to reach and how they were going to go about it. Given the steep learning curve they were up against, they took their time. In fact, it took nearly three years to learn about making whiskey, blending to the right flavor profile, and then ultimately getting to that final sample that crystallized their dream.

In any venture, it’s a momentous occasion to (literally) taste the fruits of your labor. Anna recalls, “The first time we tried the sample of what we ended up putting in the bottle was a very exciting moment for both of us.” Wendelin adds, “Even with our experience building companies and with our past work, we knew this was going to be hard. Our inspiration and passion pushed us forward.” It’s inspiring to hear their story and sense the gratitude they both have for the journey.

Lodestar Whiskey was developed with a consumer-first approach. Anna and Wendelin thought of every aspect of the product as it was in development. Everything from the viscosity, to exactly how it would be enjoyed (neat or in a cocktail), and what flavor profiles would stand out. They wanted a versatile product that would appeal to seasoned whiskey drinkers and newcomers alike.

What has emerged is a high-quality product that’s an easy sipper, but with depth and complexity. Being easy to drink was an important thing to achieve with the product. So far, they’ve struck the right note on that front. When introducing this to consumers who may not necessarily drink whiskey regularly, it’s been satisfying to see their faces light up with enjoyment.

Photo Credit: Amelie Emi Uchiike

For the remainder of 2024, the duo will be spending quality time showcasing Lodestar Whiskey to California markets, with a strong focus on Los Angeles. Their website has an active listing for the events that consumers can attend and experience the brand. Moving into 2025, they will be expanding into other markets. For those hopeful whiskey enthusiasts who find themselves yearning to get a taste, those opportunities will be coming soon. For now, much like all the other beauty held in the Golden State, they will have to admire it from afar. With a touch of envy and with the hope of what’s coming soon…of course.

As with most interviews, Whiskey Network asks the same five questions of our guests. This is otherwise known as The Mashbill: Whiskey Network Wants to Know Your Recipe. Guests are encouraged to have fun with it and not take it too seriously. Anna and Wendelin were ready to answer. Ready? Here goes!

What was the last whiskey, bourbon, or Scotch in your glass?

Anna – Lodestar Whiskey

Wendelin – Same, it was Lodestar. We really do drink our own product.

Do you prefer to drink your whiskey out of a specific type of glass?

Anna – I do not have a preference. However, I prefer a glass and not a paper cup. A Red Solo Cup is also just fine.

Wendelin – I agree with what Anna just said.

Do you have a unicorn bottle?

Anna – At this time, I do not have one. As a whiskey drinker, I know what I like and what I don’t. It doesn’t need to be anything special, or super expensive. If I enjoy the flavor, then I’m happy. Maybe someday I’ll have one come up for me.

Wendelin – For me, it’s a personal story. My father’s family is from Scotland, and we went to a family reunion some years ago. We visited the Bruichladdich distillery as a family and decided to pitch in on a barrel. It was aged for 15 years, and it became a family affair to get this product into a bottle. Everyone in the family got a few bottles and that’s my own unicorn.

Anna – Just to add to the story, the barley used in that whiskey was grown on my uncle’s farm.

This is one of the greatest answers given to this question. That is a true unicorn in every sense of the word. Amazing!

This is a hypothetical question: I’m looking for a gift for a friend and the budget is $50-$75. What would you suggest?

Wendelin – A bottle of Lodestar Whiskey, of course.

Anna – This is the correct answer and will leave you with some additional money to spend.

What is your favorite toast?

Anna – “To the family we are born with and the family we make along the way.”

Wendelin – “Bring joy to the journey and invite your friends.”

Lodestar Whiskey is made from the heart, carries forward a true love for whiskey, and what it represents when it brings us together. There are meaningful stories behind Anna and Wendelin that led them to the creation of the product. For now, their California dreaming has them planting the flag of incredible whiskey into the best part of the Golden State: Los Angeles. It’s made to be approachable but will satisfy those who have a discerning palate. Soon, the rest of the country will be tantalized into trying this whiskey.

No matter what happens next, the inspiration and authenticity of these two trailblazers will lead them in the right direction.

"Whisky is liquid sunshine."

George Bernard Shaw

“The light music of whiskey falling into a glass – an agreeable interlude.”

James Joyce

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