Approvals of the Week – 12/06/2023
TTB Label(s) of the week 11/27/2023 – 12/06/2023 156 Label
TTB Label(s) of the week 11/27/2023 – 12/06/2023 156 Label
“Never underestimate the power of friendship and a great cigar!”
Ah, Metallica…my favorite heavy metal band of all time. I
Cakes serve as the sweet harbinger of celebration. Its presence
Photo By: Richard Gatson A Coastal Cigar & Whisky Pairing
December 2023 Rob Dietrich He also has an impressive history
Rob Dietrich has an incredible story to tell. He’s the
Here’s a look at a few of the whiskey releases
All true whiskey lovers have a special place in their
We love to drink, share, talk about, and enjoy every aspect of whiskey. So join us, pour a dram, and let’s discuss and share opinions about all things whiskey.
“I wish to live to 150 years old, but the day I die, I wish it to be with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whiskey in the other.” Ava Gardner
“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” Mark Twain
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